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1 Day Naturelle Elegantbrown Colour Contacts

Retail Price: $36.00
Our Price: $29.00
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Bausch & Lomb NATURELLE ELEGANTBROWN cosmetically tinted daily disposable contact lenses naturally enhance the color and size of your eyes with their rich brown ring.Naturelles color circle will give you big beautiful eyes and fade the edge of your pupils into their rich brown pattern.To ensure safety and comfort Naturelle Brown contact lenses are made with a brand new micro encapsulation technology that individually encloses the brown color drops. Using this brand new material your eyes will never be in direct contact with the color pattern. (More Details...)Just like every new Bausch & Lomb contact lens, Naturelle Brown circle lenses are also equipped with their "HD optics" - formula for high-quality visual performance.They reduce halos, blur and glare and even help you to see better in low-light situations, sharpening up details and provide a vivid contrast.Naturelle Brown lenses are especially designed to provide enhancement for darker eyes and lens wearers who search for a certain "je ne sais quoi".