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Bare Root Pussy Willow (Salix discolor)

Our Price: $8.00
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Deciduous, North American shrub to small treeDescription: Soft, stout, downy buds or catkins appear before the leaves; twigs are stout, dark reddish-purple and foliage is narrow, dark-green above and soft, bluish-silver beneath; male plants have the showiest catkinsHabit: Grows 6 to 20 feet high and wide; strong growing and spreading habitCulture: Prefers moist soils and sun to part shadeHardiness: Cold hardy to USDA Zone 4The native pussy willow grows in moist meadows and along the banks of streams and lakes from Nova Scotia to Manitoba and southward to Delaware. It is also common in Iowa, the Black Hills of South Dakota, and northeastern Missouri. Thomas Jefferson included the genus Salix in his book, Notes on the State of Virginia and, while traveling in New England in 1791, he referred to a "shrub-willow with downy catkins" growing on the banks of Lake George in a letter to Thomas Randolph. The shrub is showy when in bloom and, although wind-pollinated, is attractive to bees. Branches of the ornamental catkins are useful in floral arrangements.This plant will ship bare root. 18-24" tall. Bare root planting tips: If you can't plant immediately, store your plant in a cool location and keep the roots moist or pot in a container with a nursery potting mix from your local garden center. Before planting, let the roots soak for several hours as you prepare the site. You'll want to dig a large enough hole so the root mass can spread out and the plant is at the same soil level as when it was growing in the nursery. Once planted, water it in well and wait a month before fertilizing. Mulching will help to maintain moisture and raise soil temperatures for faster growth.